Total Ecstasy Triple Stimulator


I was very hesitant about using this toy simply due to the fact that part of it is meant for anal. I am by no means opposed to anal, in fact I love it, even though all of my experiences have been good I did not think one toy could ... cover all the bases. Well I purchased it and all I can say is Amazing! I have never in my life had an orgasm so incredibly fast! I was using this toy for less than 2 minutes and it hit me! The shaft of the toy does look intimidating at first, due to the size but once you try it, OMG amazing!! The clitoral stimulator is very powerful and gets right to the spot, it greatly enhances the whole experience. And well... the anal part. The anal stimulator just sets the whole thing off and makes your orgasm so freaking intense that you may hurt your neck when you arch back because it hits you so fast. I do wish that the anal part was a bit larger but overall this toy is amazing and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to expand their experiences.