Tenga Egg Masturbator


The good points of the tenga egg: Cheap. You will not find quality like this, at this price, with any over product. Durable enough. Each egg can last around ten uses with meticulous care, and when you factor in price, that makes this an even better deal. Ready out of the pack. Each egg comes with a single, plentiful serving of medium-quality lube. Dump and go. Strong. Much like condom material, these eggs can deal with a great deal of stretching. You're not going to damage the product unless you're really trying. Textures rule. I've used two so far, Silky and Clicker. Silky really lives up to its name, providing a very silky feeling when rotated, with more of a ribbed feeling with vertical motion. Clicker has individual stimulators, so you can vary the stimulation by adjusting the egg around. Multiple uses. Between the durability and texture points, you can feel free to experiment. Twist, pull, massage, and generally try to deform the egg in any way you want for new sensations. Most Tenga products are engineered as disposables, and this is no exception but like I said you can get about 10-15 uses. Overall the clean egg design makes this an easy purchase for newcomers, while not being so gimmicky as to distract from the quality. Each sensation in unique if mild, and with the eggs being relatively cheap, you can't help but try them all. I've read some people have even found success applying an inside-out egg to female partners, although I haven't tried this myself. I recommend the tenga egg to anyone looking for a little spice without a lot of financial commitment.