Water Willy Vibrator


A pretty translucent purple vibe with a thick, lifelike shape that's bound to hit the spot, the Water Willy is made from plushy soft jelly rubber over of a firm, satisfying core. A natural upward tilt to the head seeks out the g and other sensitive inner sweet spots effortlessly, and a flexible joint just over halfway down the shaft lets you position it just right, however yo choose to enjoy. A twist of the base sets the Willy to vibrating at multiple speeds, and with the motor located right at the midpoint of the shaft, you'll get tons of evenly spaced stimulation, head to base. Use a good quality water based lube to keep the rubber material strong, if needed.


  • Model: 501158
  • Shipping Weight: 0.57lbs
  • 50 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Nasstoys

Current Reviews: 1

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