Tantric Massage Candle 4 oz


It's kinky, it's fun, and it feels great. If you've ever been interested in wax candle play but were nervous about the possible effects, there is a solution. The four ounce Tantric Massage Candle doubles as massage oil when melted. Drip a little on your partner and let your hands do the rest.

The aroma of the candles may catch your attention, but that's no accident. Not only are the smells themselves intoxicating, but the candles are also infused with pheromones. This double whammy will have you and your partner feel like you're floating well before you actually start to drip the wax. Regardless of the scent you choose, this is the perfect addition to any adventurous couple's toy box or any kinky couple's home decor.


  • Model: 509905
  • Shipping Weight: 0.34lbs
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: California Exotics

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